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Minedia, Inc. Privacy Policy

1.Definition of personal information Personal information refers to information pertaining to living individuals that can be used to identify specific individuals by including names, dates of birth, and other descriptions or numbers assigned to specific individuals, contained in such information (meaning all matters stated or recorded in documents, drawings, or electromagnetic records (meaning records made by electromagnetic means, magnetic means, or other methods that cannot be recognized by human perception) or expressed by voice, operation, or other means.) or personal identification codes (including information that, while it cannot be used alone to identify a specific individual, could easily be checked against other information to identify a specific individual).

2.Collection, use, and provision of personal information In collecting personal information, we provide users with clear information on the purposes of use of such information and collect the information only after obtaining the user’s consent. We also manage such information to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date, handle such information appropriately within the scope of its purposes of use, and take measures to ensure that it is not used for purposes other than its intended purposes of use. Users are requested to ensure that they understand these purposes of use when they provide us with personal information. Provision of personal information to Minedia, Inc. is voluntary. However, users who do not provide the personal information requested may not be able to use some or all of the services we provide. Use of cookies etc. The websites operated by Minedia, Inc. or our third-party partner companies may collect individually identifying information such as users’ IP addresses, information concerning cookies (including information linked to cookies), or information identifying individual devices. When a user uses our website, we may save information on the user’s computer in the form of cookies and refer to cookies already saved as files on the user’s computer. Cookies refer to a type of data transmitted by the web server to the browsers of users who have accessed the website. Cookies can be used to record information on past site access, including whether or not a computer has accessed the site in the past and the pages viewed. We use cookies for purposes such as improving privacy protection and making services more useful for users and collecting and analyzing statistical data.

We also may use cookie technology to obtain users’ device information and records of behavior (e.g., URLs accessed, times of access, and the order in which pages were viewed) for purposes of researching users’ history of viewing the site and the conditions of their use of the site. However, except when providing it to third parties in accordance with the provisions under “Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties” below, we will not release such information in a form in which individual users can be identified without first obtaining the consent of the users concerned. Cookies themselves do not contain any personal information or other information related to users’ privacy.
While a user may disable cookies by changing the settings of his or her web browser, doing so may make it impossible to use some services.

Minedia, Inc. may permit third-party companies to which we subcontract tasks such as analysis of the websites we operate to obtain information on users’ cookies. Use of cookie information by these third-party companies is conducted in accordance with the third-party companies’ own privacy policies. We also may provide to third-party companies information that cannot be used to identify specific individuals, such as attribute information (e.g., age, gender, occupation, area of residence, member ID) in accordance with the provisions under “Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties” below.

Facebook, Inc.( Google, inc. |Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Yahoo Japan Corporation( LINE Corporation(
Advertising identifiers When providing mobile apps or mobile websites to survey subjects, for purposes of surveying the state of viewing of advertisements by such subjects we may obtain Android Advertising IDs (if the app or website was used on an Android device) or identifiers for advertisers (IDFAs) (if the app or website was used on an iOS device) and use them for purposes of making the services we provide to users more useful or marketing research. However, except when providing it to third parties in accordance with the provisions under “Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties” below, we will not release such information in a form in which individual users can be identified without first obtaining the consent of the users concerned. Users who wish to suspend the provision of advertising identifiers are asked to opt out from use of advertising identifiers as described on the following sites. However, setting a mobile device to opt out from such provision may result in limitations to the services that can be used in the app or in the inability to use some of the features of such services.

iOS device identifier for advertisers (IDFA) settings
Apple Support Center :
ndroid device Google Advertising ID settings
Advertising ID – Google Play Help :
Behavioral-targeted advertising Some of the websites operated by Minedia, Inc. may use behavioral targeting services provided by third-party companies to display behavioral-targeted advertising. In order to display on the websites we operated or on partner sites from third-party companies advertising better suited to members’ needs, the third-party companies’ behavioral targeting services may collect, accumulate, and use behavioral records linked to cookies on the websites we operate. Behavioral records collected and accumulated by third-party companies on the websites we operate may include all or some of the following information :

Text strings saved in cookies
URLs of pages viewed and the dates and times they were viewed
Information on the computers or other devices, and web browsers, used when viewing the websites
IP addresses
Referrer information (information on the webpage that was the origin of a link used to access a webpage)

See the following third-party companies’ cookie policy pages for details of how they use behavioral records. If you do not wish to receive behavioral-targeted advertising using cookies, you may suspend the collection and accumulation of behavioral records by opting out on the pages shown below.

Google, inc.(Double Click)
Privacy Policy :
Opting out:
Facebook, Inc.
Data Policy:
About Facebook Ads:
See: "How Ads Work on Facebook" > "How does Facebook decide which ads to show me and how can I control the ads I see?"

3.Purposes of use of personal information

Sales activities and other transactions Personal information we obtain from transaction counterparties, through means such as inquiries received from clients, related companies, or other counterparties concerning our services or other matters, participation in seminars, promotional campaigns, or other events organized or cosponsored by us, exchange of business cards, and registration to our services, is used for the purposes described below.

  • (1)For use in transaction-related negotiations, communications, consultation, consideration, placement and receipt of orders, settlement, and other responses
  • (2)For provision and receipt of services etc. based on transactions
  • (3)For provision, collection, and conveyance of information related to our services and other topics

Hiring activities Personal information on job seekers applying or making inquiries to Minedia, Inc. is used for the following purposes. When we hire a job seeker, his or her personal information is retained for use for employment management purposes.

  • (1)Provision of hiring information to job seekers
  • (2)Consideration and making of hiring decisions and notification and communication thereof
  • (3)Checking records of job applications

4.retained personal information As used in this Privacy Policy, retained personal information refers to personal information included in structured databases of information provided by use in a form searchable using computers or personal information included in structured databases of information making it easy to search for specific personal information through sorting, categorization, indexing, and assignation of tags or other codes, for which the individual concerned by such personal information has the right to demand its release, correction of content, addition or partial deletion, suspension of use, complete deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties.

Items of retained personal information that we handle, and their purposes of use, are described below. We handle any information that meets the above definitions as retained personal information.

Items of retained personal information

  • (1)Information on users

    Name, address, age, date of birth, email address, and other information registered by users themselves through the websites or other services we operate, and other information collected by us in the process of implementing marketing research

  • (2)Information on transaction counterparties

    Name, telephone number (including mobile-phone and fax numbers), email address, company or organization name, section name and position, address of place of employment, other contact information, and other information provided to us by transaction counterparties

  • (3)Information on job seekers

    Name, telephone number (including mobile-phone and fax numbers), address, age, date of birth, email address, and other information included in resumes or provided to us by the job seeker through websites or other services we operate

  • (4)Employee information

    Name, phone number (including mobile phone / fax), address, age, date of birth, e-mail address, my number, bank account, and other information provided to us depending on salary and social insurance payments

Purposes of use of retained personal information We use retained personal information within the scope of purposes of use stipulated under “Purposes of Use of Personal Information” in this Privacy Policy. The purposes of using information about our employees are enumerated under (1) – (10) below.

  • (1)Procedures about social insurance conforming to laws (e.g. To make notification of acquisition of health insurance and employee’s pension insurance)
  • (2)Procedures about income taxes and local taxes conforming to laws
  • (3)Salary calculating (providing the kinds of various benefits) and paying procedures operated by the company without the preceding two items
  • (4)To acquire health data by medical institutes or health insurance society conforming to laws
  • (5)The kinds of personnel and labor management (personnel assignment in the company)
  • (6)To decide increase and decrease in salary, and paying the kind of various benefits
  • (7)Hygiene, safety, and educational control
  • (8)The kinds of procedures of the welfare of employees
  • (9)To grasp the emergency contacts just in case
  • (10)Items needed to archive the purpose of the company’s personnel management and employment control besides the preceding all items

5.Requests for release etc. of retained personal information and records of provision to third parties We will respond without delay to any request from the individual concerned by the information or his or her agent to provide notification of purposes of use, disclose, correct (i.e., correct the content of or add to or partially delete the information), or suspend use (i.e., suspension of use, complete deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties) regarding retained personal information and records of provision to third parties.

Requests for release etc.

  • (1)Where to address requests for release etc.
    Please send a written application by mail. The information enumerated under (a)-(g) below is needed.
    • (a)Requester’s full name
    • (b)Requester’s address
    • (c)Requester’s phone number
    • (d)Requester’s E-mail address
    • (e)Which information requested
    • (f)Purpose of requests - Notification of purposes of use, Disclose, Correct, Suspend use, etc.
    • (g)A copy of identity confirmation documents (Any of Drivers license, Health insurance card, Resident card (gotten by three months or less), An exact copy of the family register, A full copy of the family register, Alien registration certificate, or Basic resident register card.)
    • (h)Preferred method of disclosure (mail or E-mail)
  • When requested by the agent, the documents enumerated under (h),(i) are also needed.
    • (h)A document of requester’s commission to the agent
    • (i)A document of certification of requester’s seal (gotten by three months or less)
  • (2)Fees for requesting notification of purposes of use and disclosure
    A fee of 1,000 yen (tax included) shall be charged for each request from an individual concerned by personal information or his or her agent for notification of purposes of use or disclosure of such information. The fee shall be payable through the poster money order enclosed with requests for release etc.
  • (3)Method of responding to requests for release etc. We shall make “Notice of the result of requests for releasing the personal information” and send it by mail or E-mail.

Purposes of use of personal information collected in connection with requests for release etc. Personal information collected in connection with requests for release etc. shall be handled only within the scope necessary to respond to the request for release etc.

When we are unable to accept a request for release etc. Please understand that we are unable to accept a request for release etc. in any of the cases enumerated under (i) – (vii) below. In such a case, we will notify the requesting party that we are unable to accept the request, indicating the reason(s) why.

  • (i)When the subject of the request is not retained personal information
  • (ii)When releasing the information could be detrimental to the life, health or safety, property, or other rights or interests of the individual concerned or a third party
  • (iii)When releasing the information could have the effect of furthering or inducing unlawful or improper acts
  • (iv)When releasing the information could have the effect of harming national security, harming relations of trust with other countries or international agencies, or having a detrimental effect on negotiations with other countries or international agencies
  • (v)When releasing the information could impede the prevention, suppression, or investigation of crime or otherwise impede the maintenance of public safety or order
  • (vi)When releasing the information could markedly impede the proper implementation of our business activities
  • (vii)When releasing the information would violate laws or regulations

6.Provision of personal information to third parties

  • (1)We will manage the personal information we have collected appropriately and will not provide information that could be used to identify specific individuals directly (such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses) to any third parties without first obtaining the consent of the individuals concerned. However, this does not apply to the following cases:
    • provision is required by laws or regulations
    • When such provision is necessary to protect human life, health or safety, or property, and it would be difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned
    • When such provision is particularly necessary for purposes of improving the public health or promoting the sound raising of children, and it would be difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned
    • When such provision is necessary to cooperate in the performance by national government agencies, local government agencies, or parties acting on their behalf of activities stipulated in laws or regulations, and obtaining the consent of the individual concerned could hinder such performance
  • (2)We may entrust the handling of personal information to third parties, within the scope of the purposes of use of such information. In such a case, we will conclude contracts with such third parties concerning the protection of personal information and obligate them to implement appropriate security control measures for personal information.
  • (4)In the case of any of the above (2), the company shall provide the above information to our clients, partners, outsourcing contractors, and corporate groups via email or cloud storage service with access restrictions.

7.Prevention and Correction of Accidents Concerning Safety Control Measures We will take the following security measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.

  • (1)Organizational safety control measures
    • (i)We have established rules for the handling of personal information, including handling methods, responsible persons and persons in charge, and their duties for each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, and disposal of personal information.
    • (ii)Periodic audits regarding the status of personal information handling will be conducted.
  • (2)Personnel safety control measures
    • (i)Regular training on the handling of personal information will be provided to employees.
  • (3)Physical security control measures
    • (i)In areas where personal information is handled, we have implemented access control measures for employees and imposed restrictions on devices that they may carry. Measures to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing this information have also been introduced.
    • (ii)Measures have been implemented to prevent the theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, and documents that store personal information. We will also apply encryption or password control methods in situations where the aforementioned devices are transported, both internally and externally.
  • (4)Technical safety control measures
    • (i)Access control systems have been put in place to limit the scope of persons in charge and the scope of the personal information database which we will handle.
    • (ii)We have also set up mechanisms to prevent these systems from being accessed by unauthorized individuals, entities and software.
  • (5)Grasping the external environment
    • (i)Safety management measures have been implemented based on an understanding of the systems to protect personal information in the following country where personal information is stored.
    • (ii)Country of custody of retained personal data: Japan

8.Compliance with laws, regulations, etc. We will establish a privacy management system to protect personal information. We will strive to protect users’ personal information through strict compliance with laws and regulations, national guidelines, and various other guidelines concerning the protection of personal information and with this privacy management system.

9.Continual improvements to the privacy management system To enable the best possible protection of personal information at all times in response to social conditions, technological advances, and environmental changes, we will continually review and improve our handling of personal information and our privacy management system.

10.Contact point for inquiries regarding personal information Recognizing the importance of protecting personal information, we implement safety measures to the utmost extent possible. Please direct any inquiries or complaints concerning our management of personal information to the privacy management section of Minedia, Inc.

  • (1)Contact point for inquiries regarding the handling of personal information by Minedia, Inc.
    • Address : Minedia, Inc. 8-5-8 1F, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
    • Email :
    • Chief Privacy Officer : Teppei Kondo

11.Name of Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization and contact for complaint resolution Name of Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization:Japan Users Association of Information Systems (JUAS)
Contact for complaint resolution:JUAS Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization Secretariat
Address:8F UNIZO Horidomecho Nichome Bldg., 2-4-3 Nihonbashi Horidome-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 〒103-0012
Operation hours:10:00-16:00 (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are closed)

12.Revision history Established : April, 20, 2022
Minedia, Inc.
Hiroya Suzuki, Representative Director